Introduction: How the Diary was Discovered

How the Diary was Discovered

It happened during excavations in the Grand Canyon, that hotbed of dispute between evolutionists and creationists.

Evolutionists insist it was carved by a river over millions of years. Creationists observe that it is so similar to the smaller canyon created in a single day by a mud flow from Mt. St. Helens March 19, 1982 (which had first erupted almost two years before) that a more likely scenario is its rapid creation by the swift drainage of an inland sea during or after Noah’s flood.

It was in that appropriately grand setting that a spectacular artifact was discovered which seemed from another age or another world.

The artifact was unearthed just before sunset, but as the light waned the artifact grew brighter, making it clear that it was, itself, a source of light.

As it grew brighter, it began to shimmer, as if it were becoming chemically unstable and might at any moment disintegrate or, worse, explode.

The scientists reasoned that it was reacting chemically to air, so a brave soul volunteered to try to put it into an airtight container. But when he attempted to pick it up with some padded tongs, the artifact burst into a thousand fragments like a white dandelion which a child attempts to pick up by its head.

The flat fragments scattered about like the pages of an ancient book, and glowed white like embers in a breeze. After a few moments they wholly disintegrated, like embers fully consumed. Their light wafted upwards like the smoke of a fire, slow and massive at first, then more concentrated and faster, until finally it shot skywards like a lightning bolt and disappeared.

Not since a Russian oil-drilling team dug a hole to hell and reported hearing the screams of the damned, an event carried in some of America’s most respectable Supermarket Tabloids, had there been such a stir in the scientific community!

When the video footage was examined, writing was discovered on the fragments.

It was in a language which appeared to be a precursor of Hebrew. Painstaking frame-by-frame reconstruction of the video footage of the writing has produced substantial excerpts of what must have been a lengthy document.

The author identifies himself as “Comunicus”. The scientists on the team won’t commit themselves to any of the bizarre theories about the nature of the document, or the background or identity of Comunicus. They will say only that they are unable to disprove a couple of the theories which are based on an analysis of the text, and which find support, in the view of the non-scientists employed by our team, in the mysterious nature of the artifact itself.

The two leading theories allege that the document was the diary of Comunicus, and that Comunicus was, or is, an angel.

TRANSLATOR’S NOTE: My guide in selecting excerpts has been my ability to construct complete stories from the fragments. Where information was missing I did my best to fill in details which seemed implied, but when too few fragments of a story were available to tell it without excessive guessing, I omitted it.

Another criteria was whether I myself could make sense of the record. Many items were of events and environments so unimaginable to me that my poor attempts to translate them would have resulted in gibberish. Fortunately several of the entries were of events also recorded in the Bible, so that I had the advantage of corroborating literature, sort of a spiritual Rosetta Stone, to flesh out some of the obscure terms and provide them a sensible translation.

To aid in this inquiry, I developed a computer program which searches text for any similarity to Scripture and lists the comparable references. This works fairly well with any text, but it was made more effective with the Diary of Comunicus by my discovery that the mathematical arrangement of Comunicus’ text can be programmed to select references with precision.

Specifically, I discovered that the total of the numerical values of each sentence, divided by the hypotenuse of the Factor of every third line, added to the number of light seconds from the sun to the moon, subtracted from the mean temperature of the mountain bearing Noah’s Ark, produces an arrangement of three numbers. When the first number is taken to refer to one of the 66 books of the Bible, the second number is taken to identify the chapter, and the third number is taken to identify the verse, a passage is selected which bears uncanny resemblance to the text under study.

The scientific community has dubbed my computer program The VerseScout. That is the banner under which, for the reader’s benefit, I will report, along with my translation, its findings.

Not always is the relevance of the VerseScout report, to the Diary passage in question, obvious, so I have designed a plugin to explain the relevance, called VerseScout Relevance Report.

I have published these VS and VSRR reports completely unedited. You are reading them precisely as they came out of the computer, so that you may be confident that I have kept all this VS as objective and scientific as possible.

My interest has not been to make any definitive inquiry whether the history recorded by Comunicus has been accurate. Its variance with scientifically established facts has impressed me that such an inquiry would not be profitable. Especially where his notes affirm the Bible, which is not where newspaper scientists turn for evidence.

Scholars interested in examining the complete reconstructed text of the Grand Canyon Artifact #34,778 may write to the Smithsonian Institute, which will be glad to tell you where you can find help.

As a personal note, I recommend you do NOT read the VerseScout and VerseScout Relevance Report entries. As any scientist knows, the Bible is boring. Only the words of men (well, in this case, an angel, though we do not have the writings of other angels to establish a general rule) are interesting.

VerseScout: John 5:43 I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.

Oh no. I thought I turned that thing off for the introduction! But see what I mean? That wasn’t interesting at all, was it, compared with my ideas? Well, use your own judgment. I feel obligated, in the interest of Science, to make available the results of these computer tests. But personally I think this will read a lot faster if you just skip what God has to say and go right to the good part.

Just look at the Bible! How many Christians read it even once through, in their whole lives, though it is only the length of five short books, or one Doctoral Thesis, or one half the IRS Code, or one third of a politician’s itemized deductions? Doesn’t that prove it is not worth reading? I’m just thinking of you.

The only reason I’m including these VerseScout reports is to satisfy a few scientists who want to see footnotes documenting the primary text. Not that they would actually read them.

You ask, “Well then why didn’t you bury them in small-print footnotes at the end of the book so they wouldn’t bother us while we’re trying to read?”

It’s my wife’s fault. She insisted. She said there may be an occasional reader who reads, not only for entertainment, but for accurate information on how to live, who will want to track what corroboration these Diaries have in the Bible, who will never find them at the end of the book. I tried to explain to her that I have never met such readers, but, well, I know you will understand guys, but I didn’t want to have to put up with my own cooking.

But the important thing is that this book’s scientific status be made clear, which I hope has been accomplished by seeing to it that the relevance of the Word of God has at least been protested.

My final reason for recommending you do not read the VS or VSRR reports, is that they are hard to read. You will notice the VerseScout entries are in the King James Version. I wanted to use a modern version, but the VerseScout program was not able to bridge the 6000 year gulf between the concepts at Creation and concepts today. My computer kept crashing. Had I not thought of using the KJV to shorten the gap by 400 years, I would not have been able to make the program work at all.

Likewise, date code errors plagued the computer’s VSRR reports, plunging its output back 150 years, when American grammar was far more complex, words were bigger, and sentences were longer – in short, when grammar approached the complexity employed by King James’ translators, who as faithfully as possible honored the grammatical complexity of the original Greek, I read somewhere.

I was able to keep Comunicus’ Diary notes simple enough to meet modern publishing standards (short sentences, easy grammar, little words) simply because I did the translation myself. It would have taken an extra few years to translate the VS and VSRR reports to meet modern publishing standards because first of all, I would have had to understand the reports. Literature of this sort is not within my area of expertise. I am a Scientist, after all.

But I couldn’t see the point. Why would anyone want to read them anyway? Just skip them. Who wants to read what God wrote, anyway? Just read what I wrote.

One other tiny detail, about something some people care about who do not care about God: grammar.

“Help,” screamed the drowning damsel.

Can you honesty tell me the damsel put a comma after the word “help”, rather than an exclamation point? I think not! I think, “putting, within quote marks, punctuation not belonging to the quote but to the sentence that contains it, is not very scientific!”

It is much more scientific to say:

“Help!” screamed the drowning damsel.

Or at the least:

“Help”, screamed the drowning damsel. A scientist should be precise. Why put punctuation inside quote marks that is not part of the quote? Who thought up that, anyway? When punctuation is not part of a quote it belongs outside. Duh. And yet the publishing world favors false attribution of punctuation to people quoted.

I would think at least Bible students would sympathize with this point, especially when it is the Bible being quoted, and the Chicago Manual of Style would have punctuation falsely associated with words of Scripture. I understand Bible readers can get pretty touchy about changing even the punctuation of Scripture.

However, it is not a great issue with me. I just write scientifically because, well, I am a “scientist”.

One other detail about the excavation that will interest some: we learned later that the padded tongs which destroyed the artifact were a giant version of a dental tool familiar to the woman manipulating the tongs, since she was a dental technician from Mexico who was in Arizona illegally.

After she destroyed the artifact we of course fired her. When we found out her background, we of course, reported her to ICE out of love (for our nation). In the photograph of the event on the book cover, you can see her waving from the window of the ICE helicopter.

She is now back at her old job pulling teeth at the Matamoros prison for $9 a day. They pay her that much so she can afford to buy anesthetic. She doesn’t have an x-ray machine. The last we heard she was begging missionaries for a bright light.

I relate this only to show that our team was not only scientific: it was responsible and patriotic.

CONTROVERSY ALERT: As a scientist, I feel it my duty to warn you that this project didn’t turn out the way our team had hoped. As scientists, we of course welcome “controversy” when it disproves God or the Bible. But unfortunately nothing in these pages quite rises to that level of scientific credibility.

Yet what it does do, I, and I would hope the public will, find even more distasteful. It undermines a point or two of traditional theology, yes indeed it does. But then does it leave us alone, armed with an argument against God? No ho! It then offers an alternative theology which leaves the credibility of both God and the Bible intact!

Examples abound in these pages of novel spins on familiar Bible stories. These spins are not quite controversial because they enter arenas upon which tradition has taken no stand. Such as, exactly what hung on the Tree of Knowledge? Or, what was it like for God when He was alone?

But the constant drumbeat of attacks on Evolutionary Science, along with the irrational, uncritical acceptance of the existence of God and the validity of religious Myths, gives me mixed feelings about the computer program I created.

As a scientist, I am pleased with the accuracy with which my VS and VSRR computer programs have functioned. However, on this subject, they have produced a diatribe which is annoyingly religious. Again, I personally urge the reader to pass over them and all their references to what God has said, and just read my brilliant translation of the words of Comunicus (printed in this font) which I did myself.

I doubt if any of this religiosity will be adequate to squelch the marketability of this book, however, since the last chapter does include some perspectives on losing weight.

Boredom Alert: do NOT read the following introduction

WARNING: The following introduction is serious, and therefore not worth reading. It is a serious explanation of the origin and purpose of this book. Therefore it is not entertaining at all. Please skip it. For the sake of an undisturbed escape from reality, skip right now to Chapter One.

The purpose of this book is to explain the purpose of life.

“But what is the purpose of explaining the purpose of life?” you demand.

I’m so glad you want to know.

It’s for three reasons that I know about so far. Here are those three reasons in the order I came to appreciate them, which is the reverse order of their importance:

First, to satisfy my own curiosity. Which has been more than mere “curiosity”, but more like 70 years of yearning to understand, often at an intensity like that of Daniel during his three weeks of fasting to understand a puzzle that didn’t even directly affect him. (Daniel 9-10) The Bible gave me hope that what I seek, I will find. (Matthew 7:7) I did not find the fully satisfying answers I sought in Victor Frankl’s “Meaning of Life”, or in psychology, or in the churches I have joined, but I found them in answer to prayer as I wrote this book, as I assembled the Bible’s many puzzle pieces into a clear picture.

Second, to help people suffering from depression, unhappiness, and thoughts of suicide, or who just wanted to make sense of why we are here, and what we ought to be while we are here. Although I have learned that finding the answers desperately sought by others is the easy part. Presenting what others most desperately need, in a way that they will accept it, is like trying to move a mountain. But that is this book’s second goal. A goal by no means impossible according to Jesus. (Luke 17:6) But pretty daunting, to a mere human like myself. Hence the format of this book, with its whimsical, hopefully entertaining plot line. (Although, Matthew 11:16-19)

Third, in order to stop our great nation’s slide off its Biblical foundation in time to save it from ruin. A blindness has come over America’s churches to the simple Matthew 5 mandate to shine the light of God’s Word, not just into “church”, but where it is darkest.

What is darker: sprinkling instead of immersing, or church members murdering their own unborn babies?

Not raising your hands when you say “Glory to God”, or failing to immunize your children against schools and culture that wants men to marry men and spread disease that shortens lifetimes way more than smoking?

Believing miracles are only for the past, or public policy that equates all religions to the extent that the brutal, pagan, rights-denying, freedom-hostile Koran is honored and protected more than the Bible upon which freedom is founded, so that our children are left puzzled why we want them to prefer freedom over raw, adventurous barbarity, and Heaven’s book over Hell’s book?

In how many churches can you even learn that elections, as documented in Deuteronomy 1:13, were practiced in Israel until 1 Samuel 8? Or that Jesus de-legitimized absolute human political authority and replaced it with elected authority where votes are earned by service, such as in the United States today? (Luke 22:25-30)

Not that the traditional doctrine wars of churches ought to be completely vacated. But as Jesus said,

Matthew 23:23 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.

I was somewhere around 11 years old when depression began to grow in my life, with the help of my school peers treating me about the way children generally treat each other.

Other people’s expectations threw me off balance as I tried to develop expectations of my own. The expectations of adults were usually OK and even helpful, but the expectations of my peers were often unreasonable, unreachable by their mixture with false accusations, and about things that didn’t interest me.

About that same time, I started reading the Bible all the way through, influenced by my grandmother. It was a world free of depression. A world of impossible goals coupled with promises that we can actually reach them – promises despised and denied by our culture, but so wonderful that once I heard them I became very alert to evidence whether they were true. A world where good and evil are clearly labeled. A world where my faults are revealed to all, yet where I am welcomed, loved, and respected as much as any king. Yes, even respected – by God. A world where everyone is invited to be a superhero, using powers that make Superman look weak as a lame worm.

But the promise of limitless potential did not instantly cure me of depression. In fact, I experienced deep depression from about the age of 11 through 21, though I read the Bible through two or three times during that time and believed and trusted it. And even though God on a few occasions gave me a glimpse, sort of a vision, letting me see that the very reality which depressed me was actually perfect and a source of Heaven-grade joy. But those wonderful glimpses gave me little understanding.

After that I began writing a book. Without any explanation, I had the confidence that by the time I reached the end of it I would have all the answers I wanted, to questions I had no idea about as I began. I would understand the meaning and purpose of life, and it would be wonderful.

Now, half a century later, I am still trying to finish it. Not that I still lack the answers. The answers have flooded in beyond anything I could ever have imagined, giving me much joy. What has delayed me has been two things: first, I have found so many urgent things to write about and publish, related to what people do as a result of misunderstanding our purpose – urgent problems which hurt many people. In other words, I write about politics.

Second, I have found little interest in what I have discovered, even though the longing to understand these things appears to be fairly universal. The very understanding that most people most want, they most resist when offered by another! It is also what most people refuse to admit they care about, when offered it. I am still working on understanding this tragic irony. And I am still struggling to present what I have found in an entertaining enough format that some will accept it.

Ecclesiastes 1:18 says “For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.” He must be talking about the grief I experience that now that God has shown me so much, I find so much resistance when I try to share it, even from those who say they are desperate for such answers.

I could understand if people would listen to what I have found and then conclude it is not correct, or helpful. But when people desperate for meaning in life shut their ears to the initial offer of answers, and will not listen to them, and will even persecute those who are too forward in offering them, I have to go back and re-read my own book to understand that, because it is so unbelievable. I am still working on that.

For a while I wondered if the rejection was just something about me. I wondered if only I experience it, while no one else on the planet does. Until I remembered that even God experiences it. God offered Eden to the first humans, the Promised Land to Israel, and Heaven to us, but human enthusiasm for it is pretty tepid. If acceptance of a perfect presentation of the best dreams come true is that spotty, I shouldn’t take it personally if my own presentation isn’t popular. But still!

Matthew 10:23 But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come. 24 The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord. 25 It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, [“Dung God”] how much more shall they call them of his household?

Although the answers I have found are validated by the Bible, they are not like anything I have seen theologians write who offer to explain life’s purpose according to the Bible. The example before me at the moment is a small tract, “The Purpose & Meaning of Life” by Ken Ham. It offers to answer what God did to get us into Heaven despite our sins, but does not explain what purpose of life we will experience in Heaven more than here, what “sin” really is, why it is contrary to our best interests, and if not, why God would be against something that makes us happy.

Such tracts are typically about the purpose God has for us, not the purpose we have for ourselves. I had determined early in my writing, through simple logic, that what will most satisfy us is our purpose – not what will satisfy someone else, if that is different. If someone else has a purpose for us that is different than what will most satisfy us, then he is our enemy to the extent he imposes that purpose on us, making our own satisfaction less available to us.

But I have found confirmation in Scripture that God even sacrifices His own best interests, to help us find what will most satisfy us. God loves us, in that sense, even more than human parents who routinely and joyfully sacrifice their own best interests to help their children to, in the words of the Marines slogan, “be all you can be”.

The literary vehicle that has evolved from those first pages I wrote 50 years ago, before computers were small enough to fit in homes, is the diary of an angel. The literary device is fiction, and it is funny, but I show you the Scriptures confirming the principles explained.

The diary begins before creation; when Satan rebelled. The angel writes about what went through the minds of Satan and those who followed him, and what happened to them as a natural consequence. It explains that sin is that which does not satisfy, despite the illusion that it does satisfy – a self deception we recognize today as something very much like an “addiction”.

(I don’t call him “Satan” in the book, but “Beelzebub”, a title used in the King James Version seven times. Because, first, it means “Dung God”, which seems so fitting; and second, because the name is funny.)

During the chapter on creation, we learn how starlight from stars billions of years ago managed to reach Earth in four days. We learn how animals were made differently than man. Man alone was given the power to visualize alternatives to current reality, power to choose whether to prefer them, and powerto make them so. Thus man was given the power to choose between better and worse – between good and evil.

Animals, by contrast, are essentially robots, unable to choose to behave outside their programming. Although amazingly intelligent robots.

We learn that “evil” is a tool. It is our capacity at work to identify what we wish to change.

After creation, we learn what really hung on the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. You WILL NOT BELIEVE where Bible clues lead us on that subject! (Until you read the supporting verses, and maybe not even then.) The angels observe the amazing balance which humans must achieve between Law and Grace to reach the potential God gave them. We learn the purpose, for ourselves, of God’s commandments, we learn several ways humans misuse them, and we learn when they should not be applied. We learn how to apply these principles to human laws also. We even learn how the laws of America are, to an amazing degree, founded on these principles.

Then on that Seventh Day, the first Day of Rest, God gathers all the angels together and tells the angels stories of what it was like When God Was Alone. Here we learn about the nature of Consciousness, a miracle we actually share with God, but which is not experienced by plants or animals. We learn that there are certain features of consciousness which really could not have been created any other way that can be imagined.

One such feature is the intense concentration it requires to create well, which tempts consciousness to retreat from such labor and accept less than its best.

Another such feature is the horror consciousness feels when half-finished creations turn into nightmares, presenting consciousness with a choice at that point: either buckle down and create well, or further retreat, in search of that mythical “oblivion” sought by drunks, but which can never exist for consciousness. Because consciousness can’t get very close to it before it returns screaming, from boredom, back to complexity and challenge.

Love – defined in John 15:13 as placing another’s interests over your own – is what rescues consciousness from this seesaw, motivating it to create well no matter the personal cost, because that is what others need.

We learn from 1 Corinthians 13 that this love is the one thing that does not disappear when we transition from Earth to Heaven. We learn that love feels like happiness and satisfaction. Love is happiness and satisfaction.

Stories of the following 15 centuries before the Flood flesh out how all of this works together with God’s promise to work alongside us, helping us reach our dreams.

We learn that “evil” is a tool. It is our capacity at work to identify what we wish to change. What is good about it is that God gives us the capacity to change as much as we are willing to concentrate on changing.

Of course this includes our willingness to correctly understand how the thing works that we want to change, so that our clumsy efforts to tinker with reality do not become the evil which others pray they may change!

The fictional diary “records” several conversations that angels had with God.

I have discovered, quite by accident, that when I explain what I have found from the perspective of an angel, and of God, with lots of Bible backing, I am able to make past mysteries much clearer. Partly because when I present these ideas as if they were in conversation, I am able to portray more of the personality of God as I have come to know Him over my 70 years so far on this perfect planet – this planet, perfectly prepared, not just 6,000 years ago for some abstract “bride of Christ”, or for mankind in general, but perfectly prepared and offered to each of us.

We glimpse the plan God has followed these past 6,000 years to prepare a race of humans willing to choose Heaven, and unwilling to ever leave. We glimpse how this plan has shaped human history, culminating in nations – America in the lead – which choose to shape their laws and culture increasingly, over the centuries, after the principles of Heaven.

Yet as we approach the close of this era we see Islam, founded on the principles of Hell, maintaining to the end a clear choice for mankind: Life, or Death. Love, or Hate. Happiness, or Horror. Good, or Evil. God, or Satan. Purpose, or Emptiness.

The fact that human consciousness has proven more inclined to choose such evils over God’s best for us, over the centuries, proves the power God has granted us to choose. It shows how much God has laid on the table for us to choose from. He grants whatever we ask, with little restriction, as Job 1 confirms – God even answers Satan’s prayers! Satan’s prayers to God are bolder than the prayers of we Christians!

This universe God gave us is truly a reality in which we may have whatever we desire. But it is better than having a bottle you can rub and have a Magic Genie give you whatever you wish for, instantly. In this reality, you get to earn things by your own labor. You get to share credit with God for what you create – and God delights in sharing the honor with you! Matthew 10:25. And that labor includes the study and concentration it takes to correctly understand what you seek to change, so that when you change it, it will truly and deeply satisfy you – which means among other things that it will be a blessing to others, manifesting your Love.

By presenting all of this on a WordPress blog, I hope to generate discussion of these truths. I hope you will not only comment on what is right or wrong, but offer specific suggestions how to make this “diary” better – how to edit it.

Thus endeth my sober explanation of what I have tried to accomplish with this book. Now hang on, because now the book is about to begin, which gets crazy real fast.

Chapter One: Beelzebub’s Amazing Choices

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